On May 21 17:58, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On May 21 17:26, Alessandro Raniolo wrote:
> > 'm experiencing this issue when I run this simple testcase:
> > 
> > just run the command 
> > 
> > c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -c "/bin/mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd"
> > 
> > it produces: 
> > [...]
> >   261 [main] bash 6636 exception::handle: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
> >  1237 [main] bash 6636 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to 
> > bash.exe.stackdump
> I can easily reproduce it even calling just /bin/echo and even under
> strace using a command like this from CMD:
>   C:\cygwin\bin\strace -o bash.trace -o bash.trace \
>     c:\cygwin\bin\bash -c "/bin/echo hello > /etc/foo"
> It's weird.  On my machine it only occurs when redirecting echo's stdout
> to a file, and *only* if redirected to some arbitrary file under /etc.
> For instance, echo > /usr/foo works fine, only /etc/foo crashes.
> The crash occurs after echo exited, so bash wakes up from the wait4
> call.  However, the problem is that the crash does not occur in Cygwin,
> but in bash itself.
>   147  350775 [main] bash 3548 wait4: 2320 = wait4(-1, 0x0, 0, 0x0)
>   --- Process 3548, exception C0000005 at 00422B0A
> Eric, can you reproduce this and see where it happens?  I'm pretty sure
> it's a bug in Cygwin, not in bash, but it would be interesting to learn
> what bash did at the time the crash happened.

Incidentally I built bash without -O2 option for better debugging and
the problem vanished.  Then I built bash again with default optimization
and the crash still didn't occur.  I built from the latest bash src
package.4.1.10-4 using cygport.


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