On May 24 18:34, Otto Meta wrote:
> > Weird.  I tried under CMD now as well, but it still runs and runs and
> > runs, without a failure.  Tested on XP, W7, and 2008 R2.
> Maybe It’s Just Me then.
> > Another idea is that your system also fails due to the problem reported
> > in http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2012-05/msg00522.html
> > I'm just about to generate another snapshot.  You could see if that
> > helps for some reason.  I doubt it, but still...
> No change.
> $ sleep 0.001; ./testcase_cancel_asynchronous
> Fails.
> $ sleep 0.1; ./testcase_cancel_asynchronous
> Succeeds.
> :-?

??? This effect doesn't make any sense.


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