On 6/3/2012 8:10 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
On 6/3/2012 5:08 AM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
On 2012-06-02 14:02, Ken Brown wrote:
I hope someone (Yaakov?) will take a look at the glib changes between
2.30.2 and 2.32.2 and try to find the cause of this problem.

I keep seeing XP in this thread. If this is affecting only XP and not
other versions of Windows, then it would be a bug in either Cygwin or
xorg-server, not glib. I, for one, do not have XP handy.

It happens on XP but not Windows 7. I don't know about other versions.

I wasn't suggesting that this is necessarily a glib bug, just that some
change in glib triggered the problem. If we could pin down which change
that was, it would be easier to get the bug fixed, wherever it is.

I'll try to do some bisection as I have time. But you're familiar with
glib and I'm not, so maybe you could look over the changes and see if
you spot anything suspicious. Also, I'm confused about the various
branches that I see in the git repository. There seems to be current
development on the 2-30 branch, the 2-31 branch, and the 2-32 branch. If
I find that the problem still exists at the beginning of the 2-32
branch, how do I go backwards from there?

I've also never worked with git before, so I'd appreciate some advice
(or a cygport file?) that would help with the bisection.

Never mind. I'm not up to this task. But if you're willing to facilitate the bisection by doing the builds, I'll be glad to test them on my XP system, at least as far as emacs is concerned. And I'm sure there are gvim users who would do the same.


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