On 06/06/2012 12:12 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jun  6 16:41, Bertrand Latinville wrote:
I'm using

  rsync --chmod=ug=rwX -arvz --prune-empty-dirs  --include="*/"
--include-from=include-file.txt  --exclude="*" ${source_dir}/
Thanks.  I can confirm the effect.  For no apparent reason, the OS
reserves a 1 Megs shared memory region, top-down allocated, of which it
uses about 20K.  It's not the PEB or one of the TEBs, though.  Nor is
it a thread stack.  I checked, and it turns out that it's allocated
in every process, on 32 and 64 bit systems.  That's kind of worrying
since that's bound to collide with mmaped regions and pthread stacks a
lot.  I don't know what to do at this point.
Given that the OS always gets there first, why not just adjust Cygwin's definition of "top" for win8? Or does heap randomization move that mystery chunk around?


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