>Von: Larry Hall (Cygwin)>
Gesendet: Freitag, 8. Juni 2012 04:31
>Betreff: [bulk] - Re: pipe error depending on drive
>On 6/7/2012 10:30 AM, DEWI - N. Zacharias wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a strange behavior of cygwin here. I have two machines with the
>> nearly (*)he same configuration on machine A everything works good, on
>> B I get the error
>> 1 [main] sh 1884 sig_send: error sending signal -40 to pid 1884, pipe
>>handle 0x768, Win32 error 6
>> sh: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
>> depending on which drive I start a perl program which uses a pipe via
>> IO::File->new("dosomething.pl |");

[zac] In the meantime it turned  out that the fork fails only if the bash was 
started form a network drive.
If the bash was started from local drive there is no problem with fork even if 
one switches to a network drive after launching bash.

>> Two other issues are also strange  :
>> First if I try to update machine A I get the warning that this is the
>> first time that I setup version 1.7 (setup 2.774)
>More than 1 installation on this machine?  Check 'cygcheck -srv' output.

[zac] Nope!  And  it was not the first time I update Cygwin. The ones before 
work without such a notice.

[zac] Thanks and have a good time
[zac] Norbert

DEWEK 2012, 11th German Wind Energy Conference, 7-8 November 2012 in Bremen

Dipl. Phys.
Norbert Zacharias
Wind Measurements & Power Curve Measurements
Ebertstrasse 96
26382 Wilhelmshaven

Tel.:   +49 4421 4808 876

Fax:    +49 4421 4808 843

Email:  n.zachar...@dewi.de
Home:   http://www.dewi.de

DEWI GmbH - Deutsches Windenergie-Institut, Wilhelmshaven
Commercial Register No.: Amtsgericht Oldenburg, HRB 130241
Managing Director: Jens Peter Molly
Chairman of the supervisory board:  Leitender Ministerialrat Norbert Nüsken

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