
I have set up DenyHosts for my sshd running on Windows 7 x64 (cygwin
1.7.15-1) based on the guides I've found in the cygwin newsgroup
archives, but I have reached a dead end.

The steps I have followed:

- install and config syslog-ng (working ok), python (working ok)
- install denyhosts (ok)
- configure denyhosts startup script and config file (both files attached)
- install denyhosts as a service (cygrunsrv -I DenyHosts -p
/usr/share/denyhosts/daemon-control -a start -d DenyHosts -f
"DenyHosts 2.6" -y sshd -x /var/run/denyhosts.pid -o)
- after first unsuccessful start of DenyHosts service, checked the
logs, realized /etc/hosts.deny is missing, so created the file (touch
- tried to start the service again -> service hangs in "starting",
even though it seems to be working (it has successfully created one
new entry in /etc/hosts.deny parsing latest ssh attack in the syslog)

And this is dead-end for me - don't know how to make it work
"correctly". Why dead end? There's nothing more for me in the logs to
catch on. Denyhosts logs show normal startup:

starting DenyHosts:    /usr/bin/env python /usr/bin/denyhosts.py
--daemon --config=/usr/share/denyhosts/denyhosts.cfg

and no error in "denyhosts" logfile (the one without extension) - the
file is also logging normal operations (even new entries in

The only thing I have to catch on is the startup log of DenyHosts
service in syslog:

Jun 14 17:23:03 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#1)
Jun 14 17:23:04 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#2)
Jun 14 17:23:05 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#3)
Jun 14 17:23:06 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#4)
Jun 14 17:23:07 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#5)
Jun 14 17:23:08 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#6)
Jun 14 17:23:09 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#7)
Jun 14 17:23:10 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#8)
Jun 14 17:23:11 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#9)
Jun 14 17:23:12 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#10)
Jun 14 17:23:13 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#11)
Jun 14 17:23:14 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#12)
Jun 14 17:23:15 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#13)
Jun 14 17:23:16 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#14)
Jun 14 17:23:17 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#15)
Jun 14 17:23:18 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#16)
Jun 14 17:23:19 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#17)
Jun 14 17:23:20 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#18)
Jun 14 17:23:21 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#19)
Jun 14 17:23:22 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#20)
Jun 14 17:23:23 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#21)
Jun 14 17:23:24 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#22)
Jun 14 17:23:25 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#23)
Jun 14 17:23:26 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#24)
Jun 14 17:23:27 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#25)
Jun 14 17:23:28 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#26)
Jun 14 17:23:29 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#27)
Jun 14 17:23:30 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#28)
Jun 14 17:23:31 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#29)
Jun 14 17:23:32 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts':
waiting for fork of 5516 (#30)
Jun 14 17:23:33 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts': 5516
did not fork, sending SIGTERM
Jun 14 17:23:39 NUTRIA DenyHosts: PID 7232: service `DenyHosts': 5516
did not terminate, sending SIGKILL

SIGTERM and SIGKILL are sent out automatically, but have no effect
(service is still running, reporting, it's trying to start), even
though they have been clearly sent.
Any ideas what could be wrong? I'd like to have denyhosts service
running without any issues.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


Attachment: daemon-control
Description: Binary data

Attachment: denyhosts.cfg
Description: Binary data

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