On 19/06/2012 6:55 AM, Fedin Pavel wrote:
On 19.06.2012 14:50, Gerard H. Pille wrote:
Since my system was replaced by one running Windows 7 on an Intel Core I5, I may call myself lucky if I can work for an hour.
Works fine here. May be your hardware is flaky ? RAM for example... Cygwin loads up the system quite well, especially upon fork().

That or a particularly virulent BLODA... The fact that shells crash while idle hints strongly that the blame lies outside Cygwin; if other random apps (particularly the memory hogs like web browsers and email clients) aren't crashing, that points to BLODA rather than bad RAM. I'd also do a virus scan: some malware monitors the process list and kills anything it thinks might be used to detect or attack it; command prompts usually rank high on the hit list.

(I'm running 64-bit win7 on a core I5 without troubles for the last 18 months or so)


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