On Wed 6/20/12 17:24 +0200 Corinna wrote:
> On Jun 20 09:53, Tom Rodman wrote:
> > On Wed 6/20/12 8:07 MDT Eric Blake wrote:
> > > On 06/20/2012 07:20 AM, Tom Rodman wrote:
> > > 
> > > >   $ echo $SHELL
> > > >   /bin/bash
> > > >   $ bash -c 'echo SHELL: $SHELL'  # does this prove SHELL is exported?
> > > >   SHELL: /bin/bash
> > > 
> > > No.  And in fact, bash does not export SHELL by default, but defaults to
> > > defining SHELL as a shell-local variable.  You have to explicitly export
> > > it yourself if you want child processes to see it.
> > 
> > OK. Thanks, good to know that.
> > 
> > --
> > Still, not sure why I have to export the SHELL var to GNU screen
> > now since in the past several years I have not done this.
> > Recently I stopped using 'putty -ssh localhost' for my terminal,
> > and I'm using 'rxvt' instead, ...
> Brr.  Why don't you use mintty instead?  rxvt is old, unmaintained,
> and it doesn't support UTF-8.

Oh, I was afraid it might be deprecated, I had tried mintty in the
last few weeks, but was unable to get 'WordChars' setting to work
as well as rxvt's cutchars.

I launch rxvt with a shell script using:


    # \140 == `
    # \042 == "
    # \047 == '

    # "Rxvt*cutchars" in ~/.Xdefaults ( usually a link to /etc/skel/.Xdefaults )
    #    but stopped working for me, 1st noticed not working in 2012 or 2011

  exec rxvt \
    -cutchars  $cutchars \
    -backspacekey $'\010' -geometry 100x33 \
    +rv \
    -bg black \
    -fg white \
    -fn "Lucida Console-$font_sz"  \
    -sr -sl 5000 \
    -e /bin/bash --login

I've been unable to get the equivalent of cutchars to work in mintty.
Putty was good at that, but I stopped using putty because of the 'procps' hangs.


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