On 6/20/2012 8:45 PM, richw wrote:

ASSI wrote:

Those should see the following mount points according to cygcheck3.out:

C:\cygwin        /          system  binary,auto
C:\cygwin\bin    /usr/bin   system  binary,auto
C:\cygwin\lib    /usr/lib   system  binary,auto
cygdrive prefix  /cygdrive  user    binary,auto

and since they appear to be working correctly (but check the logfiles)
one can assume that these mounts are present.

I modified /etc/exports to read
/ (ro,no_root_squash)
/usr/bin (ro,no_root_squash)
/usr/lib (ro,no_root_squash)
and then tried a mount.
I was surprised that I could not mount /usr/bin, but I could mount /bin.
(Is that correct? Why?)

pure guess:  /usr/bin is already a mount point for /bin
there is no real "c:\cygwin\usr\bin"   directory


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