On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 03:47:55PM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 03:23:57PM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>I'll say it again: I see no difference in behavior with any snapshot or
>>with the shipping version.  They all stress the system and eventually
>>require me to power cycle it.
>I had a "mingw-gcc" shell script in /usr/bin which seemed to cause a
>problem.  Removing that allows me to duplicate the problem.

Actually, I can duplicate your issue with the 2012-06-19 snapshot but
not with the latest CVS.  I no longer see indication of a SEGV and
mintty doesn't abort.

The strace output does have a SEGV in /bin/sh, which is worrying, but I
see similar or worse problems with 1.7.15 so that doesn't seem to be
a regression.

Can you still duplicate this problem with today's snapshot?

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 09:46:15PM +0200, marco atzeri wrote:
>If you want to try, I prepared a slim version of the package at
>disabling the build and leaving only the configure session
>    cygport atlas-3.9.79-1.cygport compile
>take 2 minutes on my pc on 20110611

I can't download a file from this slimmed down version:

I get a:

Error 403
You can't access to the requested page or directory.

I can download the other two files.

I'm crossing my fingers that the latest CVS version of Cygwin fixes
your problem and I won't have to download this anyway.


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