On 6/27/2012 7:06 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Achim Gratz <Stromeko <at> nexgo.de> writes:
>> I'm not near my work machine, so this is from memory...  the test suite
>> requires perl modules I didn't have installed and fails most perl tests
>> without them — not too worried about this, will install those later this
>> week.
> The fail is not due to a module missing, but due to the perl dynaloader not
> being able to load the DLL produced by the build.  The error message is not
> helpful as there's no reason given for why it couldn't load the DLL.  The file
> exists and is readable /executable.  However, LDD gives strange output:

Strange. It works for me and the ldd output for _Core.dll is reasonable.

>> I've had to comment out the Apache module build since the mod_dav.la
>> was nowhere to be found and no Cygwin package provides it.
> Even with the changes to the build config by Yaakov trying to build the Apache
> module fails for me, now with unresolved symbols of the form "_dav_*".  I've
> built without mod_dav to work around that.

Yaakov's changes worked for me.

> Rebasing does help.  Failing Perl tests aside (which never start due to the
> issue outlined above), all further tests so far are pass.  Judging from the
> current progress, I'd think tests will run at least for two more hours.

Yes, rebasing helped for me, too. The Ruby tests encountered fork
failures, but everything else is working.

I don't think this proves much, though. The errors I was getting in the
past were fork failures and not the SQLite error being reported.

Anyway, I'll have a new release available shortly built against the
latest SQLite package, so others that want to use TortoiseSVN can try it.

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely
the most important.
                -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "A Case of Identity"

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