On 7/7/2012 6:19 PM, Reini Urban wrote:
On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 8:41 AM, Daniel Colascione  wrote:
On 7/7/12 6:04 AM, marco atzeri wrote:
On 7/7/2012 12:45 AM, Daniel Colascione wrote:
$ clisp

Looks like a missing dependency or wrong dll perm. I saw none in your cygcheck.

Can you try
$ ldd /usr/lib/clisp-2.48/base/lisp.exe
and see of one dll is missing.
And check if one of the dll's has no x perm set.

$ cygcheck /usr/lib/clisp-2.48/base/lisp.exe

should be better. ldd does not advise about missing dll's

clisp.exe is just a driver, which exec's base/lisp.exe or full/lisp.exe


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