On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Linda Walsh wrote:
> Andrey Repin wrote:
>> Greetings, Linda Walsh!
>>> I sometimes use "rmdir *" to clean up empty dir's.
>> There's a known issue about difference in Windows and *NIX handling of
>> directory removal in many cases.
>> I would say, you drop such practice and be more explicit in your actions.
> ----
>         You are saying POSIX allows directory removal to behave
> differently if it is running on Windows?

Windows is not at all *POSIX* compliant nor will it ever be but the
issue doesn't belong to Windows either, the Windows shell will not
remove the directory if it contains files.

>         I'm not running this in explorer, or cmd.com
> I'm running in bash, using rmdir.

I'll agree that Cygwin should not rename the directory for later
removal if the directory is not empty.  The rename occurs because
Cygwin cannot remove the directory or file and thus renames it so that
when it can it will remove it.

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