On 07/24/2012 07:24 PM, Aaron Schneider wrote:
On 25/07/2012 3:59, Andrew DeFaria wrote:

Maybe when in Cygwin, /bin and /usr/bin should be put in your PATH ahead
of the Windows stuff. I know I've run with C:\Cygwin\bin in the front of
my Windows System Environment PATH variable for years without issue
(though I think some around here might say it's not a good idea).

They are already in front, but if the command is not there it just searches for the next up to the last, and if no match even so, says command not found.
Which is why I said eariler: IMHO it's always better to go with a Cygwin way of doing things instead of installing some Unix/Linux thing through some Windows port like this Symbian\tools thing...

Of course you have to actively know what you want to use and what you have. I assume, since you typed the command make in your initial posting on the problem you would have known that you wanted to execute make and that you would have thought "Gee I'd like to execute Cygwin's make" and perhaps would have checked with a "which make" or a "type make" and, upon finding you don't have Cygwin's make, the initial question would have been "Where's make" (or you would have went to http://cygwin.com/packages/ and searched for make.exe and just solved your own problem without questioning) not "Cygwin fresh install imports Windows PATH...".
Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
Mental Floss prevents Moral Decay.

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