I usually write a CMD.EXE script that in turn, runs cscript and its *.vbs file.


The following lines are a cmd "batch" file called bar.cmd

        @echo on
        echo.This is "bar.cmd," a CMD.EXE script, which will be invoked by 
        echo.Run a vbscript called "foo.vbs"
        cscript foo.vbs
        echo."foo.vbs" is complete
        echo.Done, now exiting "bar.cmd"

** First ** ---- run bar.cmd within a CMD.EXE window to be sure it and
foo.vbs are working properly outside of Cygwin.

** Second** ---- from within Cygwin's bash (or other) shell, run bar.cmd:

$ cmd /c bar.cmd

Watch for output or results from "foo.vbs" during the run.

========== Keith

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