On 1 August 2012 21:17,  <earnie@...> wrote:
> CVSROOT:        /cvs/src
> Module name:    src
> Changes by:     earnie@...   2012-08-01 19:17:37
> Modified files:
>         winsup/w32api  : ChangeLog
>         winsup/w32api/include: winnt.h
> Log message:
>         * include/winnt.h (MemoryBarrier): Add definition.
> Patches:
> http://sourceware.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/src/winsup/w32api/ChangeLog.diff?cvsroot=src&r1=1.1121&r2=1.1122
> http://sourceware.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/src/winsup/w32api/include/winnt.h.diff?cvsroot=src&r1=1.139&r2=1.140

+# else
+   FORCEINLINE VOID MemoryBarrier (VOID) {
+       LONG Barrier = 0;
+       __asm__ __volatile__("xchgl %%eax,%0 "
+         :"=r" (Barrier));
+   }

Since this is for GCC anyway, why not using __sync_synchronize() in
the body of the function instead?


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