On Thu, Aug 02, 2012 at 08:11:31PM +0200, Achim Gratz wrote:
>Ken Brown writes:
>> The good news: I haven't seen a repeat of that old crash so
>> far. Unfortunately, I'm finding that emacs is unstable:  The emacs
>> window (running under X) simply disappears after 12-24 hours.  This
>> may not have anything to do with the most recent changes.  I haven't
>> yet tested any earlier snapshots.
>I can unfortunately confirm this observation, although I don't enjoy
>Emacs for much longer than an hour at a time...  Most of the time Emacs
>just vanishes, but just once I got an error message that it couldn't
>allocate 8 bytes through GLib.

Just to be clear: Is this with the recent snapshot?

I ask because one other "I see something similar" seemed to come from


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