On 8/6/2012 11:06 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Warren Young writes:
I think I've given Achim Gratz enough time to try and fix the bug
resulting from his build option changes.

I cannot fix something that I can't even reproduce.

I gave you some ideas of ways to reproduce it without TortoiseSVN. Did you try those? I didn't hear one way or the other.

I can however
reproduce the bug that led to and fixed by those changes.

Try my .13 release. While updating my source patch so it would apply, I saw that upstream made a change that might have some relevance to your original complaint. There may be others.

Anyway, I think the whole "pretend it's Unix" concept hangs up on the fact that SQLite has a *lot* of Windows and Cygwin-aware code in it. It may be that your attempt simply wasn't complete enough, so that you had mostly POSIX code but the occasional Windows- or Cygwin-ism in there fighting against it. I think it would be interesting to do a caveman patch to SQLite, completely ripping out anything Cygwin or Windows related, then see how that does.

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