Daniel Colascione <dancol <at> dancol.org> writes:
> It works for me in bash. I don't have tcsh installed, but I don't see
> why SIGINT would work differently there.

Yes, it works in bash for me, too.  Tcsh does something that apparently breaks
with the new snapshot, but since I don't get any error messages, it's hard to
tell what that might be.

I tried it again in tcsh, and the SIGINT clearly did not get delivered to ping
(the process was still running) and I had to kill it from another shell.  Once I
did that, the prompt in tcsh came back.  I can kill other processes in tcsh, but
sometimes they are not properly terminated, like here:

...  pty0    85441 08:14:58 /usr/bin/git <defunct>


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