On 08/13/2012 08:14 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
There was an error message that cmd showed that bash did not. To me
that's suppression.
This is nonsense and you know it.
It's not nonsense. It's 100% accurate. What in my statement above is not the truth?
It's not that the OS generates an error message and cmd lets it slip
through while Cygwin (or bash) "suppress" it.  It's the CreateProcess
call which generates an error code ERROR_SXS_CANT_GEN_ACTCTX and cmd
printing the connected error message, just like bash gets an error code
EACCES and prints the connected error message "Permission denied".
Plumbing and mechanics aside, I'm just saying the user should be
told the underlying problem. If ERROR_SXS_CANT_GEN_ACTCTX is the
error code could ya at least print that as a string? It would give
the user a fighting change and finding a solution...
Plumbing and mechanics is the way to solve the problem.
Right, that's makes it the implementors problem, plumbing and mechanics are implementation details - not the users...
If you don't want to leave the user-only perspective, we will have a hard time 
find a solution.
"We" are not finding a solution. "You" might be. "I'm" just reporting the problem. Now, does everybody have their roles straight? ;-)

Oh, and I fully expect it will not be solved. But I thought I'd report it nonetheless. My "side by side" problem has been fixed. I just think you should do a better job reporting more accurate error message so that users can more easily fix them. I didn't realize, but should have realized, that in this world it seems to be considered a crime...
Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
Do fish get cramps after eating?

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