On 8/22/12 12:10 PM, David Sastre Medina wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 10:16:28AM +0000, Achim Gratz wrote:
>> I'm removing the Windows PATH in my startup scripts since there's nothing in
>> there that I think should be accessible from Cygwin.
>> For (t)csh this is easy enough to do with dropping a script into 
>> /etc/profile.d
>> that gets executed first, but there's no such provision for sh and the ilk 
>> since
>> PATH is set up already before it get there.  Now, unless profile gets 
>> changed I
>> can still cut off "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:" with a profile.d script, but I
>> think it might be preferrable that the Windows path gets recorded into
>> ORIGINAL_PATH or some similar name at the beginning of profile.  It would 
>> then
>> be a simple matter to later add the Windows path where appropriate, but I 
>> don't
>> think the default path should have it at all.
>> Also, there are two things in profile that may admit slight improvement (a 
>> place
>> where LC_COLLATE is specified just for one command and better guarding 
>> against a
>> missing or non-cdable /etc/skel).
> All three changes will be available in the next release (profile_d
> modification taken from your last version in this thread).

Are you sure that's actually a good idea? I don't agree with this logic:

>> I'm removing the Windows PATH in my startup scripts since there's
nothing in
>> there that I think should be accessible from Cygwin.

People execute Windows programs using Cygwin all the time. With this
change, basic things like "cmd" and "notepad" will fail to work.
Working with Windows programs is the *point* of Cygwin. I really don't
think this change should go into the default startup scripts.

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