On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 10:57:22AM -0500, Harig, Mark A. wrote:
> > Harig, Mark A. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been using option 1.  My question comes from the fact
> that Corinna Vinschen recommended that ~/.ssh be set to 700
> (which is what 'set-keygen' sets it to) and that she had
> pointed to my 'chmod 700 ~' as the reason that openssh would
> not work if I set ~/.ssh to 700.
> Is there a consensus about what to recommend to Cygwin users,

It's a matter of taste.  Personally I let it 755 on ~ and 700
on ~/.ssh.  As long as sshd works, it's fine.  No worries.

> or does openssh work for some people with both ~ and ~/.ssh
> set to 700?

It can't, except there is that additional ACE for SYSTEM in the
~/.ssh ACL.


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