
>>>>>> mkshortcut -n "I for cygwin bin" /D/cyghome/bin
>>>>>> /home/RobertMarkBram/bin/createWindowsShortcut.sh: line 160:  8128
>>>>>> Aborted                 (core dumped) mkshortcut -n "$shortcutName"
>>>>>> "$target"

I confirm that, there is something fishy here.

this one is from XP

REJAP at rzuem5008 ~
$ mkshortcut -n "Ifor cygwin bin" /c/cygwin/bin

REJAP at rzuem5008 ~
$ mkshortcut -n "I for cygwin bin" /c/cygwin/bin
Aborted (core dumped)

and this one out of Win7 32

rejap at win7dev ~
$ mkshortcut -n "I for cygwin bin" /c/cygwin/bin
Aborted (core dumped)

rejap at win7dev ~
$ mkshortcut -n "Ifor cygwin bin" /c/cygwin/bin

What is interesting, both links lnk file exist and are identical.


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