On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Ken Brown <kbr...@cornell.edu> wrote:
>>> Did you at least try chainging your ${HOME} to somewhere normal and
>>> seeing
>>> what happens?  Perhaps SkyDrive has some feature that makes Cygwin crazy.
>>> For example, your cygwin could have inotify listeners on ${HOME} which
>>> could
>> Yeah, I tried setting ${HOME} to /cygdrive/c and "c:\" and even just
>> "/" with no change in results.
> I don't know if this has anything to do with your problem, but I wouldn't
> call any of these settings of $HOME "normal".  I think most people leave
> $HOME unset, in which case it gets set to /home/username during a Cygwin
> session.

At least in my experience, standard cygwin install doesn't create
anything under /home. But, yes, I've also unset $HOME. No difference.

I also tried a brand new install into a new directory with default
settings, both of 1.7 and legacy 1.5. Still no difference (1.5 is
actually even slower).

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