On 11/05/2012 06:47 PM, nyc4...@aol.com wrote:
After starting up mosh on Cygwin and then attempting to type
`ls', I see the following on my screen:

$ ls select: No error

mosh did not shut down cleanly. Please note that the
mosh-server process may still be running on the server.

[mosh is exiting.]
       1 [main] mosh-client 4524 cygthread::detach: called detach but inuse 0, 
read 0xF7C?

Sometimes I am able to type a few commands but mostly it is only
after one command before I see the "select: No error" message.

The mosh-server.exe process is still running.

I am on Windows XP and I am running a freshly installed Cygwin using
Cygwin setup 1.7.17-1 (the latest) and mosh 1.2.3.


It looks like you are using mosh-1.2.2-1 (the perl wrapper)
and not the latest version. If so, please upgrade your mosh to latest which is mosh-1.2.3-1

If not, please send us a the output of cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
as explained in http://cygwin.com/problems.html

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