rxvt-unicode is the successor to the familiar, but no longer
maintained, rxvt terminal emulator.

This release fixes an issue with rxvt-unicode + screen (no, not
the $TERM-is-too-long problem; that's still present. Waiting on
a fix in $upstream screen).  Deepest apologies; I had this fix
more than two months ago, and it was reported three months ago --
but I forgot to actually upload the package. :-(  The good news
is, I've been using this version for almost 10 weeks with no

NOTE for screen users: upstream, and this release, by default
  specify $TERM as 'rxvt-unicode-256color'.  This is too long for
  most 'screen' implementations -- including cygwin's.  See Changes
  section below for a workaround. ( screen maintainer: see patch
  here: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=621804#10 )

About rxvt-unicode
* Stores text in Unicode (either UCS-2 or UCS-4). [cygwin:UCS-4]
* Uses locale-correct input, output and width: as long as your
  system supports the locale, rxvt-unicode will display correctly.
* Daemon mode: one daemon can open multiple windows on multiple
  displays, which improves memory usage and startup time
* Embedded perl, for endless customization and improvement
  opportunities, such as:
      o Tabbed terminal support.
      o Regex-driven customisable selection that can properly
        select shell arguments, urls etc.
      o Selection-transformation and option popup menus.
      o Automatically transforming the selection once made.
      o Incremental scrollback buffer search.
      o Automatic URL-underlining and launching.
      o Remote pastebin, digital clock, block graphics to ascii
        filter and whatever you like to implement for yourself.
* Crash-free. At least I try, but rxvt-unicode certainly crashes
  much less often than rxvt and its many clones, and reproducible
  bugs get fixed immediately.
* Completely flicker-free.
* Re-wraps long lines instead of splitting or cutting them on
* Full combining character support
* Multiple fonts supported at the same time: No need to choose
  between nice japanese and ugly latin, or no japanese and nice
  latin characters :).
* Supports Xft and core fonts in any combination.
* Can easily be embedded into other applications.
* All documentation accessible through manpages.
* Locale-independent XIM support.
* Many small improvements, such as improved and corrected terminfo,
  improved secondary screen modes, italic and bold font support,
  tinting and shading.
* Encapsulation of privileged operations in a separate process
  (improves security). [not yet supported on cygwin]
* Optimised for local and remote connections.

[[ compiled using gcc-4.5.3-3, g++-4.5.3-3 ]]

CHANGES (from rxvt-unicode-X-9.15-1)
o NOTE: upstream default TERM is 'rxvt-unicode-256color' which is too
  long for most 'screen' implementations.  Add the following to your
  /etc/app-defaults/URxvt or ~/.Xdefaults file if this is a problem
  for you:
     urxvt*termName: rxvt-unicode256
  and in .screenrc (in the appropriate section)
     term rxvt-unicode256
o Includes these patches from gentoo:
  + secondary-wheel: "This allows you to scroll in secondary screensd
    (like mutt's message list/view) using the mouse wheel. To actually
    enable the feature you have to add"
      URxvt*secondaryWheel: true"
    in your /etc/app-defaults/URxvt or ~/.Xdefaults file.
o REMOVES the following patch, which was present in 9.15-1
  + buffer-on-clear: "Please note that, although this works well for
    most prompts, there have been cases with fancy prompts, like bug
    #397829 where it caused issues. Proceed with caution."
  + This patch caused problems when using rxvt-unicode w/ screen.

o Reminder: the following xml script:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
            <Set var="TERM" value="rxvt-unicode256"/>
            <Set var="LC_ALL" value="en_US.UTF-8"/>
            <Prepend var="PATH"  value="/usr/bin"/>
          <Target filename="/usr/bin/urxvt-X.exe" startin="~">
            <Arg>-e /bin/bash -!-login</Arg>
  coupled with a shortcut with the following target:
    C:\cygwin\bin\run2.exe --notty /path/to/example.xml
  will do what you expect; and allow you to manipulate
  environment variables like LC_ALL and the like. 
  Or, run the config-run2-example.sh script that comes with
  run2, to configure a shortcut and xml script that will launch
  rxvt-unicode if an X server is detected, or mintty if not.

Fun stuff:
tput sitm ; tput bold ;  echo 'hello, world!' ; tput sgr0

tput sitm ; echo 'hello, world!' ; tput ritm

tput bold ; echo 'hello, world!' ; tput sgr0

Gaudy Prompt:
     ITb=`tput sitm`
     BDb=`tput bold`
     NRM=`tput sgr0`
PS1="\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n$ITb$BDb$GRN\u$NRM@$GRN\h $ITb$YLW\w$NRM\n\$ "
GreenBoldItalicUserName @ GreenNormalMachineName YellowItalicPath

Daemon mode:
Add 'run urxvtd-X -wait -q -f -o' to your ~/.startxwinrc file, and
then you can use urxvtc-X.exe for very fast startup of multiple
terminals, all served by the same daemon process.  This also saves

Tabbed Windows:
Launch with '-pe default,tabbed' or add the following to your
/etc/X11/app-defaults/URxvt file:

256 colors:
wget http://scie.nti.st/dist/256colors2.pl

Show off unicode:
wget http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/examples/UTF-8-demo.txt
less UTF-8-demo.txt

It's even more impressive if you install the GNU FreeFont
collection. See /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/rxvt-unicode-X.README.

Charles Wilson
volunteer rxvt-unicode-X maintainer for cygwin


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link
on the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to
your system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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