Hi all,

I have a suggestion that cygrunsrv doesn't ask for any password with
the option -u (and -w not provided), if the specified user is like
"NT SERVICE\svcname", where svcname is the service being added.

Otherwise, cygrunsrv is not self-sufficient for defining a service,
and has to be further supplemented with a "patch" using the native
"SC" command.  Yet having every service to run under the privileged
LocalSystem account is not always justified.

So, instead of having to do a two-step process:

cygrunsrv -I svcname ...
sc config svcname obj= "NT SERVICE\svcname"

everything could be done in one command:

cygrunsrv -I svcname -u "NT SERVICE\svcname" ...


Anton Lavrentiev
Contractor NIH/NLM/NCBI

See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143504.aspx#New_Accounts

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