On 03/01/2013 18:07, David McAllister wrote:
Hi. I have three machines that all run Win 7 x64 and all have updated
Cygwin installs. I thought I installed them all the same, but I'm
getting two differences, both centered around the ping command.
Machine 1 doesn't have /usr/bin/ping.exe, so it uses Windows PING.EXE:
which ping
I type "ping" and it runs PING.EXE and succeeds.
Machine 2 had /usr/bin/ping.exe, but when I run it I get
ping: socket: operation not permitted.
So I found a thread about that not working unless you have admin
priviliges, so I deleted /usr/bin/ping.exe in favor of Windows
PING.EXE and rehashed.
However, on this machine it doesn't map "ping" to "PING", like it does
on the other machine. If I type "PING" it successfully runs Windows
Machine 3 has /usr/bin/ping.exe and when I type "ping" it runs it
successfully. I didn't do anything special when launching mintty or
tcsh to put it in administrator mode.
I am an administrator on all three machines.
a) What makes one machine case insensitive to DOS commands and the
other sensitive?
b) What makes one machine succeed with Cygwin ping and the other not,
when I'm an admin on both?
Do you have the package ping on any of the machines?
If you see your $PATH, you will see that /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin go
first, so if you have ping or ping.exe in there that will be executed.
If don't, it will go down dir by dir until found (if).
So if you install ping from cygwin package you are giving preference to it.
Since in windows executables can be called 'yourbin' or 'yourbin.exe'
both work, and the same for upper/lowercase. If you run MOUNT or Mount
it will run the cygwin version as well.
About the socket problem, no idea.
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