On 09.01.2013 14:57, Fedin Pavel wrote:
1. doc/fdl.texi and doc/make-stds.texi files are missing from the archive. 2. configure seems to incorrectly determine HAVE_DOS_PATHS as true. This breaks $abspath() function.

I solved (1) by adding these files from the original UNIX archive. Of course i can solve (2) by tweaking config/dospaths.m4, however perhaps i don't know something ? How do you build make ?
Just FYI: i have tweaked dospaths.m4 and built a working make. After this i successfully patched it to use spawn(). For benchmarking i used 'all' then 'clean' targets on make's own source code.
--- cut ---
p.fedin@fedinw7x64 /usr/src/make-3.82.90-1
$ time make.old


real    0m45.759s
user    0m23.206s
sys     0m19.410s

p.fedin@fedinw7x64 /usr/src/make-3.82.90-1
$ time make.old clean


real    0m7.520s
user    0m2.767s
sys     0m4.268s

p.fedin@fedinw7x64 /usr/src/make-3.82.90-1
$ time make


real    0m31.869s
user    0m16.470s
sys     0m14.061s

p.fedin@fedinw7x64 /usr/src/make-3.82.90-1
$ time make clean


real    0m2.740s
user    0m0.748s
sys     0m1.643s

p.fedin@fedinw7x64 /usr/src/make-3.82.90-1
--- cut ---
'clean' target runs especially faster, you see the difference with a naked eye. I believe in case of gcc there's disk access factor.

 Kind regards
 Pavel Fedin
 Expert engineer, Samsung Moscow research center

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