On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 11:28:17AM +0000, Achim Gratz wrote:
>Achim Gratz <Stromeko <at> NexGo.DE> writes:
>> I do not have that problem with the same
>> worktree when instantiated on a volume where "noacl" does not have to be 
>> used,
>> so somehow it must have something to do with Git waiting for the results of a
>> chmod or similar change to the FS becoming visible (which then never happens
>> because the access rights are fake).
>Based on that observation, I configured that Git repo to ignore filemodes
>altogether (filemode=false) and everything seems to work as it should (still on
>snapshot 2013-01-07, though).

I can't duplicate this with a simple "git pull".  Could you provide the
exact sequence of steps needed to duplicate the problem?


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