On 2/5/2013 3:41 PM, Arnold Boothroyd wrote:
After updating Cygwin on a Dell PC running Windows 7 (it may have been a
year or two since the previous update, since setup.exe was outdated and
therefore replaced with the current version),  emacs  (which had worked
fine before) failed on startup, giving the error message

/usr/bin/emacs-X11.exe: error while loading shared libraries:
cyggnutls-26.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The solution is to install the package libgnutls26, which should be a dependency of emacs but isn't. Could someone please add it?

This is a packaging error on my part, due to the fact that the test version of emacs requires libgnutls28. Until the test version becomes the current version, I'll have to require both.

Thanks for the report.


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