On 2/14/2013 9:43 PM, Ryan Johnson wrote:
Hi all,

I tried to ssh to my cygwin box today and was unable to connect. It
seems the sshd service can no longer run, for reasons that mystify me:
# net start sshd
System error 1069 has occurred.

The service did not start due to a logon failure.

I wasn't aware of having changed anything; would it be advisable to just
reinstall sshd from setup.exe and/or sshd_host_config, or is there some
simple troubleshooting I might do?

reinstall is not the way.
Likely something reset the cyg_server privileges.
Try to re-enable them with

editrights -u cyg_server -a SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege
editrights -u cyg_server -a SeCreateTokenPrivilege
editrights -u cyg_server -a SeTcbPrivilege
editrights -u cyg_server -a SeServiceLogonRight
editrights -u cyg_server -a SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege

In case it helps, the sshd user in /etc/passwd is:



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