On 02/13/2013 11:55 AM, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
Yes. If you ask for a file, the file doesn't exist, but the file with a .exe extension exists, Cygwin will refer you to the .exe version of the file. See <http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using-specialnames.html#pathnames-exe>.

Thanks, already aware of that, and it's why I raised this question.

From that point of view it is; Cygwin is self-consistent, but the very nature of attempting to write a Linux-like interface on a fundamentally non-Linux like OS means such issues can't be avoided.

I'm not clear on what your standard for "self-consistent" is, or why filenames are an interface issue.

Those aside, consider these two lines:

    $ rm -rf * && mkdir a && touch grep && cp grep /bin/grep a
    $ rm -rf * && mkdir a && touch grep && cp /bin/grep grep a

The first line executes as expected while the second, which reverses the order of files, fails after copying the .exe with the following:

    cp: cannot create regular file `a/grep': File exists

Now, take these two sets:

    $ rm -rf * && touch foo grep && cp /bin/grep.exe .
    $ mv foo grep && ls -i

    $ rm -rf * && touch foo && cp /bin/grep.exe .
    $ mv -n foo grep

The first set works as expected while the second deletes grep.exe during the rename even though no-clobber is explicitly passed to mv.

Nobody has yet suggested a more consistent alternative that still allows, for example, a Linux shell script that calls unadorned "grep" to work on Cygwin.

How can it ever be consistent while 'filename' and filename.exe' are allowed to exist in the same directory?

Is there some way to differentiate between a Windows .exe and a Cygwin binary, like grep.exe, that's intended to execute within the Cygwin environment?

For your (I really hope) contrived example...

Unfortunately, it wasn't contrived. It was an actual question in a BASH scripting module that I unnecessarily have to slog through.

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