On Sun, 03 Mar 2013 06:15:48 -0500, Chloe wrote:
> > So where are these gems coming from and how many are there?  Too
> > many/ones from unknown places are going to be either missed
> > by 'rubyrebase' or be impossible to fit in memory without
> > collision with other installed DLLs.  See this thread for more
> > discussion of this:
> They come from 'bundle install' and 'gem install'. The standard Ruby 
> places. There are about 100 in my Gemfile. The same project works on 
> WinXP, but not Win8. I don't see how it can't fit in memory. My WinXP 
> has 1GB and my Win8 has 8GB. I've run rebaseall and rubyrebase several 
> times, and re-installed ImageMagick and libpixman_1.0 several times.

The next release of 'rebase' will include the perlrebase/rubyrebase
functionality, so this should be fixed then.  In the meantime, you can
install ruby-rails and its dependencies from Ports, in which case you
should rebase once more and NOT use rubyrebase.


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