I did not see Chris Faylor messages before I sent my previous message

Quoting Chris:
> Don't want to play duelling patches, but did you build cygwin from the
> latest CVS?  If so, you've pulled in my changes, too.  It would be
> instructive to find out if they solved your problems.

Yes, I build from the snapshot source, which included your patch. So I had
both patches applied when running my little test.
I reran the same test with the pure snapshot (20021114 23:36:56) and also
that one shows a vtime_ of 1000. See attached trace.

Again, you will have to wait till tonight European time for a definitive
answer, since I cannot connect my Palm to the W98SE computer here at work.
But so far so good ...

Ton van Overbeek
(Apologies for the list bandwidth with all the trace files)

Attachment: trace-20021114-233656.bz2
Description: Binary data

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