>> All,

>> We are having difficulties running various windows utilities through
>> bash. Through a regular windows cmd, one can run commands like
>> diskshadow without issue, but with bash, we are having problems with
>> COM calls not working. We have posted an example below.

> I'd recommend reporting this to MS if you haven't already.  While
> there may be something in Cygwin that needs tweaking for this, it
> would be best if MS could diagnose what is failing and why.  That
> would make any Cygwin fix happen quicker.


After further analysis, it looks like the reason diskshadow is failing
is because it requires a fully-fledged 64 bit running environment to
execute COM calls. As a workaround (and for whomever runs into this
same issue and needs a fix) we have downloaded ActiveState's 64 bit
native perl, and are doing:

perl -e "system('cmd')";

to get a native 64 bit environment, which allows the COM calls to
happen for diskshadow.

I'm assuming that there isn't a 64 bit cygwin port? I would think that
would solve lots of issues - the number of native 32 bit installations
is dropping rapidly, and I think that going forward issues like the
above will become more and more common.


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