Christopher Faylor wrote:
The mirrors list used by setup.exe comes from

In an update scenario i have a cache mirrors list
and i have the chance to find tons of other mirrors
via what ever sort of search engine the web does offer.
The second option is still possible for a first time install.

But it wont resolve me the lack for a current version of setup.exe.

Larry Hall wrote:
This was an announced outage of the site for a server upgrade.

Thanks for the announcement - i simply did not notice it
until i saw it to take place with the known consequences.

(It felt a bit like re-installing some proprietary OS to a laptop
and in the abolutely latest moment finding out the sticker with the
serial number rubbed by some peoples legs until it was unreadable.)

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for the overall projects well done achievements and fine project at all.
Just for approximating the ultimate conveniance there is space for improvement.

regards, Alex.

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