2013/3/23 Anthony Geoghegan:
> I thought about it for a while myself before posting but I concluded your
> choice was a good one: the usefulness of -h for hibernate probably
> outweighed the benefits of retaining compatibility with a more traditional
> (BSD) Unix shutdown. I checked to see if POSIX had anything specified but
> it's not concerned with the shutdown command.

It seems there is not such thing as a *general* shutdown command.
"Every" distribution has its own. Just picked three:

Although they all agree on -r -h -H -P -k and -c. Also noticed that
the Fedora shutdown doesn't require the time option. It defaults to 1

> Having thought about it bit more, I'd like to suggest an upper case -H as
> the option for hibernate.

This would still conflict with the -H of the ones above, but I have no
problem with it. Anyone against changing hibernate to -H?


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