I installed the last version of Cygwin (2.774) with the OpenSSH package on
a Windows Server 2012 and when I tried to establish a connection in ssh,
I noticed that the username was case sensitive (username@IP). 
With old versions of Cygwin with the SSH package that I'm using on Windows
Server 2008 R2, I don't have this problem. For example, if I have an
Administrator account with a "A" in upper-case, I can establish a
connection both with $ssh administrator@IP and $ssh Administrator@IP. The
username case sensitive is a new feature in the lastest package of
OpenSSH? Can I deactivate the username case sensitive in the sshd service?
Best regards

mail : maxime.lamb...@vertech.eu <mailto:maxime.lamb...@vertech.eu> 


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