I can write a simple test server and client programs and I'll post it here,=  
in a few hours. Our existing code is just too large.


> On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 02:19:25PM -0700, Oleg Moskalenko wrote:
> >Hi All
> >
> >I found a non-standard behavior of UDP sockets in Cygwin. Normally, people =
> do not experience it, but the communication pattern that I am going to desc=
> ribe here is often used in DTLS (actually, this is virtually the only way t= 
> o make
> OpenSSL working with DTLS on the server side), so I suppose that wit= h the
> growing DTLS popularity people will experience the problem often.
> >
> >So this is how to reproduce the problem in "plain" UDP (without actually 
> >using
> DTLS):
> >
> >1)      Server application: open a UDP socket (socket A);
> >
> >2)      Server application: bind socket A to a local server address (say,
> >
> >3)      Server application: wait for a packet from a client application;
> >
> >4)      Client application: open a UDP socket (socket C);
> >
> >5)      Client application: bind socket C it to a local client address (say,
> >
> >6)      Client application: send a UDP packet P1 from socket C to server 
> >socket A
> (to;
> >
> >7)      Server application: socket A receives the packet P1 from socket C;
> >
> >8)      Server application: create another UDP socket B;
> >
> >9)      Server application: bind socket B TO THE SAME LOCAL ADDRESS as socket
> A (;
> >
> >10)   Server application: connect socket B to the remote address of socket C
> ( by calling connect() on the datagram socket B.
> >
> >11)   Server application: send packet P2 from socket B to socket C (to
> >
> >12)   Client application: on socket C, receive packet P2 from socket B (from
> >
> >13)   Client application: from socket C, send packet P3 to the server address
> >
> >14)   Server application: socket A receives the packet P3 from the client 
> >socket.
> ERROR !!!
> >
> >Step 14 is wrong: the packet P3 must be delivered to socket B, because socket
> B is "connected"
> >to the remote address, but socket A  is "unconnected".
> >Both sockets (A and B) are "bound" to the same server ad= dress
> >( but the connected one (socket B) must be obtaining
> packets from the remote address that it is connected to.
> >
> >This is a very essential functionality for anybody who wants to implement the
> server-side DTLS communications.
> >
> >This patterns works in any OS that I tried (all FreeBSD versions, all Linux
> versions and Solaris) but Cygwin fails, unfortunately.
> >
> >I am trying to migrate (port) our server application to Cygwin, and it stops 
> >us
> completely. It works everywhere else.
> >
> >Please take a look if this is something that can be fixed quickly.
> How about a simple test case?
> cgf
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