On 17/04/2013 02:26, Lukas Haase wrote:
> I use Cygwin/X on a laptop using a docking station (with the external
> monitor the primary display). Cygwin behaves very nasty in two ways:
> 1.) When two monitors are connected, new windows always open on the
> secondary monitor. I have to move all of them manually back to my
> primary monitor :( Is there a way to avoid this?
> 2.) When not docked, the secondary monitor seems to be used
> "implicitely": Some new windows are not visible. Then I realize they are
> "hidden" and I can (manually) drag them back to the main monitor. Also,
> the "Exiting Cygwin/X"? dialog seems to be opened in an invisible,
> virtual area: I just do not see this dialog. Only when I dock the next
> time, I see that this windows actually pops up in the second monitor.

I'm not clear if you are saying these bugs occur if you have Xwin running when
you dock/undock (i.e. this is a bug in how XWin handles a change in the number
of monitors)? Does restarting XWin after dock/undock still show these problems?

Can you please provide your /var/log/xwin/XWin.0.log

Can you provide a bit more detail about your monitor geometry (i.e. size of
the monitors, is the 'primary' monitor to the left or right of the 'secondary'

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