Hi! I started the latest setup.exe (version 2.774), clicked Next,Next,Next (aka "update my cygwin installation", a less clicking way would be welcome) and at the end it printed:
Package: cygutils cygutils.sh exit code 127 /var/log/setup.log.full has this at the end: Installing file cygfile:///usr/share/doc/Cygwin/ Installing file cygfile:///usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README 2013/03/18 14:28:04 Changing gid back to original Visited: 112 nodes out of 2759 while creating dependency order. Dependency order of packages: base-cygwin sed gzip libpcre0 gettext grep gawk tzcode libgmp3 libattr1 libncurses10 texinfo _update-info-dir libreadline7 terminfo libstdc++6 libncursesw10 libiconv2 libintl8 bash coreutils cygwin libgcc1 dash rebase _autorebase alternatives zlib0 apngopt findutils base-files binutils libbz2_1 bzip2 ca-certificates liblzma5 diffutils less xz tar cpio crypt editrights csih cvs cvsps cygrunsrv libpopt0 dos2unix cygutils groff man cygwin-doc file w32api-headers w32api-runtime w32api mingw-w32api mingw-runtime libintl3 gcc-mingw-core gcc-core ipc-utils libcom_err2 libroken18 libasn1_8 libuuid1 libblkid1 libheimbase1 libopenssl100 libwind0 libhx509_5 libsqlite3_0 libkrb5_26 libheimntlm0 libgssapi3 libidn11 libdb4.5 libsasl2 libopenldap2_4_2 libssh2_1 libcurl4 libedit0 libexpat1 libgpg-error0 libgcrypt11 libgdbm4 liblzo2_2 libp11-kit0 libtasn1_3 libgnutls26 libkafs0 libopenldap2_3_0 libopenssl098 libsigsegv2 libssp0 libwrap0 libxml2 login make mintty openssh perl_vendor perl perl-Error pv pv-debuginfo run util-linux wdiff wget which 2013/03/18 14:28:04 running: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/update-info-dir.sh" 2013/03/18 14:28:06 running: cmd.exe /c "C:\cygwin\etc\postinstall\autorebase.bat" /usr/lib/perl5/5.14/i686-cygwin-threads-64int/CORE/cygperl5_14_2.dll: skipped because nonexistent. The following DLLs couldn't be rebased because they were in use: /usr/bin/cygreadline7.dll /usr/bin/cygncursesw-10.dll /usr/bin/cygintl-8.dll /usr/bin/cygiconv-2.dll /usr/bin/cyggcc_s-1.dll 2013/03/18 14:28:11 Changing gid to Administrators 2013/03/18 14:28:30 note: Installation Complete 2013/03/18 14:28:30 Ending cygwin install Hmm, only now I see the date is old. So I'm lost and open for suggestions. Regards, David -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple