On 2013-05-31 03:34, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On May 30 16:50, Charles Wilson wrote:
If we want to include (some subset of) cygutils explicitly in Base,
I could see splitting into three subpackages:
    cygutils (Base):
       cygdrop cygstart lpr mkshortcut readshortcut winln

What about "cygstart mkshortcut readshortcut"?  These may be used by
postinstall scripts, the other stuff is extra, afaics.


    cygutils-extra (Util): [requires: cygutils]
       almost everything else, including documentation and man
       pages (even for the exe's in the Base package)

IMO man1 pages should be packaged together with their executables.

    cygutils-x11 (X11): [requires: cygutils]
       the two desktop files, and the postinstall scripts that
       handle them

This way, any package that currently requires: cygutils will almost
certainly get the tool it is looking for, without having to change
its requires line (and besides, if cygutils is in Base you'd get
those anyway).

So, as result, we should do this for a start:

- cygwin-doc drops "Base" from the categories.
- dos2unix adds "Base" to the categories.
- cygutils drops "dos2unix" from requires.

And additionally you propose the above change to cygutils.  Sounds good
to me.  Yaakov?

The man3 and info pages definitely don't need to be in Base, but it would be nice if the man1 pages were packaged with cygwin. Is that possible? Otherwise, this sounds good to me.


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