Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 12:35:57AM -0000, Max Bowsher wrote:
>> Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Cygwin follows the Windows convention of using file file name suffix
>>> ".exe" for its binary executable files.  While Cygwin will locate
>>> and execute files files given only the base name (sans suffix),
>>> other uses ("cat," "less," or more apropos "nm," "size" or "file")
>>> demand the full file name, including the ".exe" suffix.
>> Actually, the significant point seems to be that the files are being
>> accessed via a mount with no underlying directory.
> No, sorry.  Cygwin's stat function will find a file with a .exe
> extension.  Cygwin's open function won't.  It has been this way for
> four or five years.  It has nothing to do with the mount command.
> So, if you have a file called foo.exe 'ls -l foo' will work but
> 'cat foo.exe' won't work.

You mean 'cat foo', don't you?

But you are right - I must have been hallucinating when I was experimenting
before I posted that.


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