On 6/18/2013 2:40 PM, Алексей Павлов wrote:
I want to add MSYS functionality to Cygwin.
More than 10 years ago Cygwin 1.3 had forked to MSYS. But now this
MSYS is very old and don't has any support for it.

I want to hear your opinions about how it can be implemented in Cygwin codebase.

Go over to the mingw.org mailing lists; there is ongoing effort related to MSYS2 which is based on a much more recent fork of cygwin IIUC. Also, many of the earlier hacks that msys-1 implemented are no longer needed thanks to exploiting new features in the underlying cygwin (like: /etc/fstab).

Also, I *think* the development is being tracked as a branch from a cygwin repo clone, so keeping msys2 updated with respect to cygwin changes should be easier.

However, discussing "not-cygwin" on the cygwin list(s) is A Bad Idea, so you should go "over there" and talk it out with those guys.


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