On 2013-06-18 08:11, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
Would it be possible for the Git maintainer to update Git to a more recent
version than 1.7.9, which was released almost 18 months ago?  Git is now on

FWIW, I have been using 1.8 versions for a little while without incident.

Alternatively, I'd be willing to take over the maintainership, although there
may be initial teething difficulties as I've only just managed to get Git
building on my machine, still see it failing some test cases, and have not
maintained a Cygwin package previously.

For whomever ends up updating git, I would propose a number of changes from Ports:


There are a number of packaging improvements there, splitting up extra components by dependencies, installing all the documentation (to fix git help -w), and a patch to use cygstart as the default "browser" (ditto).


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  • Updating Git Adam Dinwoodie
    • Re: Updating Git Yaakov (Cygwin/X)

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