On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 03:49:47PM -0500, Jason Tishler wrote:
> Any XP users successfully running PostgreSQL?  If so, please post your
> experiences to the list.  I'm especially interested in XP Home, since I
> assume that XP Pro will be the same as NT/2000.

I'm using XP Pro.

> On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 05:44:58PM +0100, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
> > I'm trying to install postgresql on windows XP.
> Please see the following thread:
>     http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-cygwin/2002-11/msg00037.php

Oh, didn't know about that list yet ...

> > I have a problem getting the ipc-deamon to work.  When I run
> > ipc-daemon --install-as-service, it doesn't want to start.
> What version of Cygwin are you using?  An older version (IIRC, 1.3.13),
> had issues with running ipc-daemon as a service.  Please upgrade to the
> latest Cygwin, if necessary.

I'm using 1.3.15.  It's a fresh install of a few days ago.

> > If I then try my initdb, it hangs itself creating the template1
> > database, like in case the ipc-daemon isn't running.
> The above implies that you are not using the latest Cygwin PostgreSQL,
> please upgrade to the latest.

I'm still using 7.2.3-1, I guess I downloaded it just before
7.2.3-2 came out ...

It seems it should just give a error instead of using all CPU.
Anything else changed?

> > Note that the documentation says that you have to run initdb
> > before you start the ipc-daemon service, but I thought that that
> > is wrong and initdb requires the service too.
> The above "typo" has been recently corrected:

I knew about it, I've hit the same problem over a year ago.  I
wonder why it never got corrected. :)

> Please read the README regarding what clean up is necessary when
> switching the account under which ipc-daemon runs.

I did remove the files in /tmp.

I tried about everything I could think of.


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