I don't see why.  If the directory is duplicated precisely I don't see
how it could matter.

What I was referring to here was to just copy the cygwin local package directory that contains setup.exe and the http% mirror directories, not the directory that contains installed cygwin. When I moved the local package directory to a new machine and ran setup.exe with install from local directory, there sometimes were problems.

If there was only one http% directory


(meaning all of the cygwin install on the machine where I took the setup.exe dir from had been done from the same mirror)

then running setup.exe worked fine and I got a functional cygwin.

If found that if there were several mirror directories,


then running setup.exe would install only the packages in the last mirror used and there would be a number of things missing from the install (like the cygwin.dll). I did this before I knew that I could just move the entire installed cygwin directory to a different machine.

Regarding this set of instructions,

they seem to be a bit more involved than is necessary. My cygwin install directory is less than 1GB, so what is the need to use tar? I believe that when I last re-installed my current OS, I just copied my cygwin folder to a backup drive and then copied it back to C: after my re-install. Is there some reason why that is a bad idea?


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