On Jul 17 10:20, Charles Wilson wrote:
> On 7/17/2013 10:10 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >Uhm.  In that case, if ew *really* think your tools are the only
> >affected ones, Why do we bother to fix libcmain.c?  Can't you then
> >simply provide your own main() in case of building for Cygwin?
> Perhaps, but I'm not sure of the ramifications. I think if you have
> a main() then you're going to get STD_HANDLES. Plus there's the
> whole concern about launching run[2].exe itself without a cmdbox,
> when it is used as a shortcut target.

In that case, the application gets the command line via GetCommandLine,
which in turn is converted to argc,argv by the Cygwin DLL ebfore calling

> This whole entrypoint thing is tied up in that, or at least it used
> to be.  Now, that may ONLY apply to the mingw[64]-compiled version,
> in which case I could do a
> #ifdef __CYGWIN__
> int main (int argc, char** argv)
> {
>    return realmain(argc, argv);
> }
> #endif


  #ifdef __CYGWIN__
  int main (int argc, char** argv)
  int realmain (int argc, char** argv)

> and avoid the -e WinMain@16 link argument. (Except I think I arrange
> to only do -e WinMain@16 on mingw...hmm...)

Can you quickly check if that works?  If so, we have a bit less pressure
to fix libcmain.

> If you look closely at WinMain, it basically parses the result from
> GetCommandLine() into argc,argv, and then delegates.

Yes, I saw that while debugging.


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