On 2013-07-23 02:22, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jul 23 17:47, Ryan Johnson wrote:
On 07/22/2013 05:38 PM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
gcc is only a source-only meta-package; you want to install
gcc-core, gcc-g++, etc.
Oh, that's a little different than (a) the name suggests and (b)
historical precedent, which IIRC had "gcc" as a meta package that
pulled in all the other gcc-related stuff you'd need.

Anyway, thanks for the tip, I'll try that.

Shouldn't we introduce an empty gcc binary archive for just this

This is one case where IMO genini is better than upset: genini-generated setup.ini's don't list source-only packages in setup's package selector, while still being available through the "Src" option of any of its subpackages. Could upset be changed to match, which would avoid this problem for *all* source-only packages?


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